11 January 2012

Introducing me, David Pidgeon

Hello, my name is David Pidgeon and I never finish games. It's true, I have a long list of games that I'm 'currently working on' and always seem to be coming up with more ideas.

Let me introduce you to some of my 'games in progress', some of which have been in progress for... well, years.

Dirty Princesses:
This is the big one. I've been working on Dirty Princesses for about four years now and it's still struggling to really show on paper. Dirty Princesses is the game of Princesses going on perilous quests to prove that they have what it takes to eventually be Queen. It's a game about adventure, growing up, expectations and kick-ass Princesses, all set in a fantasy world. The eventual published plan for it involves custom playing cards and beautiful illustrations, but I should probably finish designing the rules first.

The Life of a Falling Star:
A rather elusive game, existing more as concept than as actual game. This is about, in the far flung future, humanoid bio-weapons who only live for one year going on insane and 'impossible' missions while being awesome and shooting lasers from their eyes and starting to have feelings.

G is a solitaire game designed originally for a contest that I actually finished in time. If you want to, you can read it here. It's about a solitary and lonely astronaut living in space, dealing with isolation and sudden intense danger. It's still up for playtesting and definitely needs some improvements.

This is only new, but it's a dark fantasy game about surviving in a horrible world when the gods don't care about you, the air is full of ash, the dead rise from the earth and the raiders are coming over the hill. It's like apocalyptic fantasy and the apocalypse is only just starting.

Those are the games that I'm most excited about right now. I'll be posting about them all in more detail further down the track.

I have decided that this year is the year to work on games. Not just come up with ideas, not just toy around with them, but to do the work required to make them playable and then find ways to test them and then improve them and then play them some more. I want to finish at least one of the games on this list and make it publically available for consumption.

I know I can do it.

1 comment:

  1. David,

    First off, I'm going to reiterate that Life of a Falling Star is still one of the coolest ideas. I really hope you don't forget about it. I like Dirty Princesses too, it's got a neat vibe and the inter-character dynamic is interesting. I also like the troupe-style play, although I've got no real experience with it.

    I'll be honest though and say that G doesn't greatly interest me. The overall concept is cool, but I play games as a social activity, so solo-play is less intriguing. All the same, I could probably actually playtest that one for you, and will probably take a stab at it, at some point. It's not like I've never been wrong about gaming before. Charnel... well, it reminds me somewhat of Mage Blade, but in a bad way. Mainly, the concept isn't unique, so there definitely needs to be something grabby about it.

    Consider these last remarks a challenge, rather than discouragement, as that is how I mean them. Prove me wrong about solo play, and make me eat my apathy about Charnel. I DARE you.
