06 December 2011

Unchosen 5

I can't decide which I hate more; muties or gangers.

On the one hand, the muties are pretty horrifying. Anything from a crazed parody of a human whose skin seems to be drooping off of it in folds and nodules to the monstrous worm-like creature that terrorized Nova Vi. Gangers, on the other, are as human as anyone, except that they've left behind the important parts of being human. Kindness, mercy, honesty and a sense for the sanctity of life are completely foreign concepts to them, and I've not met a one that wouldn't cut you just to watch you bleed.

Either one, I've seen more than my fair share, since taking up with her. In the wastes we avoid them where we can, but more than once they've not given us the choice. Even Doc, the kid from Nova Vi who might have become a brilliant surgeon before the War, has learned to kill efficiently, when the need arises. How he tried to stick to that old saw, "First, Do No Harm", but eventually he couldn't stand by anymore. Me? Old skills return quickly, when they've got to. As for her, there's nothing she doesn't seem to excel at, being it talking, or dealing death. She's a whole other order of human.

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